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Our Story

We are a 100% Papua New Guinean owned company specialising in providing drilling services primarily to the mining and petroleum industry. Our operations office is located along Okuk Highway, 14 Mile, in Lae, Morobe Province, PNG.  

At CorePacific Drilling Limited, we offer a competitive edge in the drilling front to a wide range of clients in industries such as Mining and Exploration, Civil and Construction, Municipals (Water and Sanitation), private organisations, etc. We are a leader in terms of providing the safest drilling service with minimal footprint on our drilling sites in PNG. Our Drilltracker technology ensures our performance is visible and measured live not only within ourselves but our trusted clients measure our performance on shift basis.

We have a strong technical team with previous experiences in drilling discovery drillholes that turned out to be world class ore bodies  such as Lihir Landolam gold and silver (New Ireland), Porgera gold and silver (Enga), Ok Tedi Copper - Gold (Western) and Frieda River Copper - Gold (Sandaun), Yandra Copper - Moly. We also have a strong track record of surface resource definition to grade control blast hole and underground drilling. Our operational achievements and excellence is equally shared with the responsibility and ownership we demonstrate to minimise our operational footprint to the environment and maintain high safety standards. Mutual trust and cordial relationships with our clients is what we strive to maintain.

CPD also provides consulting services such as Resistivity Survey for Ground Water Investigation, LiDar Survey using cutting edge drone for topographic survey within less time, Design and Engineering Projects by partnering with Global Engineering Firms and locally renowned firms like Geoexmin Services, etc. 

We also supply manpower and drilling experts on a hire basis to undertake any drilling works using our client's rigs.

We strive to become a top tier drilling company in the Pacific region. The pillar of our success over the years is our people and we strive to equally treat our people with the utmost respect and integrity. CPDL’s vision and goal emphasises the core aspect of our operation; trust, integrity, reliability and efficiency. We also maintain and implement top level health, safety and environment systems ensuring the safety of our people is not compromised at all costs. With our great respect to the natural environment, we strive to minimize our footprint at sites we operate ensuring we achieve 100% compliance to Industrial Environmental policy and PNG Government Environmental Act 2010.

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